
CETA – Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a trade and investment agreement between the EU and Canada. CETA covers not only agreements on tariffs and quotas, but also “non-tariff barriers” to trade, which include regulatory standards, and a justice special system only for foreign investors. Greenpeace opposes CETA because it threatens to roll back the hard fought gains we and our allies have achieved to protect the environment and people’s health, as well as the threats to our democracy and rule of law.

Greenpeace activists display a 240 metre long banner around the party headquarters of the SPD (Social Democratic Party). Red banner stripes are printed with values of SPD guidelines like "Environmental Protection" and "Democracy". The environmentalists protest against CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union). The SPD is still supporting this trade partnership and thereby crossing its own "red line". Banner reads: "SPD don't cross your red lines! Stop TTIP/CETA". Greenpeace Aktivisten fordern die SPD auf CETA abzulehnen. Die Umweltschuetzer protestieren beim SPD-Parteikonvent und umrunden mit einem 240 Meter langen Bannerstreifen die SPD Parteizentrale. Die roten Streifen sind bedruckt mit Werten aus den SPD-Leitlinien, wie "Umweltschutz" und "Demokratie". Ein Banner lautet:" SPD: Rote Linien nicht ueberschreiten! Stop TTIP/CETA".