December 6, 2017 6:52 pm | Greenpeace |
Maraba in Brazil. A cattle ranch in the Marabá municipaly, southern Pará state. Cattle ranching is now the biggest cause of deforestation in the Amazon, and nearly 80 per cent of deforested areas in Brazil are now used for pasture, fueling also the fight over the land between cattle ranchers and landless peasants.
December 6, 2017 1:49 pm | Greenpeace |
Área de queimada e pasto em Rondônia, próxima à capital Porto Velho. Em agosto de 2016, o Greenpeace sobrevoou a Amazônia para localizar e registrar focos de queimadas e incêndios florestais. A temporada de queimadas deste ano já é considerada como uma das piores da história.
Forest area invaded by forest fires and pasture, in Rondônia state, next to the capital Porto Velho. In August 2016, Greenpeace flew over the Amazon to search for and register forest fires spots. This year’s forest fire season is already being considered one of the worst ever.
December 6, 2017 10:53 am | Hans Manen, van |
December 6, 2017 10:53 am | Hans Manen, van |